Long-term cooperation (the underlined references are still active):
AHK Services s.r.o. (subsidiary company of Czech-German Chamber of Industry and Commerce)
Arbor Erbenermittlung GmbH
Bayer, s.r.o. (1991-2009)
Czech Bar Association (1996-2002)
Czech-German Chamber of Industry and Commerce
District Court for Prague 3
District Court for Prague 10
District Prosecution for Prague 10
Embassy of Austria in Prague
Evonik Degussa s.r.o. (formerly Degussa Praha s.r.o., Hüls s.r.o.) (1991-2008)
Fučík & Partners, s.r.o. (2010-2018)
Globus ČR s.r.o. (2000-2006)
Grant Thornton Czech Republic
Grubner Legal
Bohdan Hallada, notary
Konrad-Adenauer-Stiftung e.V., representation in Prague
LTA Legal s.r.o.
LTA TAX s.r.o.
LTA Audit s.r.o.
Havel & Partners s.r.o., attorneys-at-law (1999-2012)
Municipal Court in Prague
Municipal Prosecution in Prague
Metrans a.s.
New Yorker s.r.o. (1999-2010)
Novák & Svoboda, notary office
PatentEnter s.r.o.
RETECH s.r.o.
Schaeffer & Partner s.r.o.
Siemens s.r.o. (2000-2009)
Squire, Sanders & Dempsey L.L.P. (1996-2001)
SUBARU ČR, s.r.o. (1991-1999)
TaylorWessing e|n|w|c Rechtsanwälte v.o.s.
The Cambridge Institute (1998-2008)
Toyota Motor Czech, spol. s r.o. (1999-2008)
UEPA, attorneys at law
Ürge & Černohlávek, attorneys at law (1995-2017)
Prof Dr. univ. Arsene Verny, M.E.S. (VERNY & DAUSES attorneys at law)
Vych & Partners, attorneys at law
Weinhold Legal v.o.s. (2002-2007)